Connect With Us

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We would like to know what areas below are of interest to you or you want to know more about.
1. This is Wintonbury: A casual setting for lunch and to know more about us as we share a little bit about the church.
2. WNL: Wednesday Night Live provides a place to learn and experience community together.
3. NextGen: This is all about the Next Generation where there is something for parents, children, youth, and young adults.
4. Serving: We have many opportunities that are available for you to use your gifts serving at Wintonbury. We will help you with your next steps as you prayerfully decide a position, its time commitment, duration, and skills.
5. Missions: Learn more about what is happening in the local community and around the world.
6. Life Groups: This is a place for you to experience real relationships with real people meeting regularly to study God’s Word, pray, receive support, and encourage one another to follow Jesus in every area of your life. 
7. Connection Notes: What would be helpful for us to know regarding the ways you would appreciate connecting?
Please select all that apply.


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